Ran for 10 Km today. It felt nice. I went to lal bagh for run. It was a nice weather.
Workout : 10 Km Run in 1:17:57
Weight : 94 Kg

Ran for 10 Km today. It felt nice. I went to lal bagh for run. It was a nice weather.
Workout : 10 Km Run in 1:17:57
Weight : 94 Kg
Went again to Dasarahalli lake to run. 5Km run ,3 Km walk. And climbed 51 floors
Workout : 5 Km Run in 35:38 , 3 Km Walk in 41:49
Walked for 6 Km. Today I went to Dasarahalli Lake. Its a good place to run or walk. Its slightly unclean. But better running here than roads.
Workout : 6 Km Walk in 1:13:51
Ran in a different route . 10 Km Run and 32 Floors climbing
Workout : 10 Km Run in 1:14:23 , 32 Floors
Weight : 94.8 Kg
Walked for 4 Km .
Workout : 4 Km in 47:20
Just walked for 2 Km
Workout : 2 Km Walk in 26:20
Today in TMM day. But I could not participate due to personal issues. But I participated in Virtual TMM. I registered for virtual TMM 10 Km run.
Workout : 10 Km Run in 1:18:45 , 4 Km Walk in 52:30
Weight : 94.9 Kg
Walked for 5 Km and ran for 2 Km. For a change I climbed stairs of our apartment . I climbed for 32 Floors.
Workout : 5 Km Walk in 53:57 , 2 Km Run in 12:04 ,32 Floors
Weight : 95.3 Kg
Walked for 7 Km
Workout : 7 Km Walk in 1:31:01
Today I ran for 2 Km and walked for 5 Km. Ran very fast for 2 km. I wanted to burn lot of calories.
Workout : 2 Km Run in 13:46 and 5 Km Walk in 52:28