Did a 5 km run . Felt energetic . Weight increased .
Distance: 5 Km
Time : 37 mins 41 secs
Weight : 96.1 kg

Did a 5 km run . Felt energetic . Weight increased .
Distance: 5 Km
Time : 37 mins 41 secs
Weight : 96.1 kg
Legs were tired . Did a 5 km run . Didn’t check weight
Distance: 5 Km
Time : 44 mins 56 secs
Weight : 95.5 kg
Super journey since last 10 days . Started with a 5 Km . Ran a distance of 5 km throughout and finished the tenth day with a 10 km. Wonderful effort. #run #running #runningstreak . 10 days of running streak. Legs were holding good with little niggles here and there. Managed to do it.
Distance: 10 Km
Time : 1 hr 19 mins 53 secs
Weight : 95.5 kg
Ran a distance of 5 km . I felt good . But I have started to feel little pain . Today is the ninth day . My weight is not reducing. I should start with exercise and weight lifting.
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 40 mins 20 secs
Weight: 95.9 Kg
Ran a 5 km run. Initially I started slow but improved the pace at the end . I did some ground exercises. Weight did not reduce. Today I came to know that TCS world 10 k is on 28 April 2024.
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 40 mins 51 secs
Weight: 95.9 Kg
Ran 5 Km today. At one moment I thought I will give up. But pushed through it. My weight is 95.9 Kg. Finally it’s reduced. Is it because of Ekadasi fast.
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 39 mins 39 secs
Weight : 95.9 Kg
5 Km Run today . There is no weight change. I am observing Ekadashi Fast today.
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 41 mins 1 sec
Weight: 97.1 Kg
Ran 5 km . It was a good run . I want to consistently run at a pace sub 8 for time being .
Weight is not reducing
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 39 mins 47 secs
Weight : 97.1 kg
Ran 5 Km today at Lalbagh garden. It was wonderful to run in trails .
Amidst nature is always pleasant.
Surprised that my weight increased a little.
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 43 mins 53 secs
Weight : 96.1 kg
Ran a distance of 5 km today. It was a slow run but happy that I did it.
Reduced my weight to 96.5 kg
Distance : 5 km
Time : 49 min 19 secs
Weight: 96.5 kg