Ram for 5 km . It was a good run. Second consecutive 5 km run after a long time .
Initially there was a slight niggle on my left knee.
There was no change in my weight since yesterday.
Distance: 5 Km
Time : 40 mins 36 secs
Weight: 96.85 kg

Ram for 5 km . It was a good run. Second consecutive 5 km run after a long time .
Initially there was a slight niggle on my left knee.
There was no change in my weight since yesterday.
Distance: 5 Km
Time : 40 mins 36 secs
Weight: 96.85 kg
Ran a distance of 5 km after a long time . I felt good to touch this distance. Once upon a time this distance used to feel like a cake walk. Now the same distance feels like an accomplishment. Life teaches you many things. It teaches you to stay humble and not to get complacent about anything.
Work harder.
Distance : 5 Km
Time : 44 min 02 secs
Weight : 96.8 Kg
After a long wait SSL is enabled in my blog and site
Hope after this I will blog more in this
Date : 18 Sep 21
Dear Maam,
With heartfelt humility and gratitude,
Yours Sincerely
Varun Singh
1. Ajeerne Bhojanam Visham
If previously taken Lunch is not digested taking Dinner will be equivalent to taking Poison. Hunger is one signal that the previous food is digested
2. Ardharogahari Nidhraa
Proper Sleep cures half of your Diseases
3. Mudhgadhaali Gadhavyaali
Of all the Pulses, Green grams are the best. It boosts Immunity. Other Pulses all have one or the other side effects.
4. Bagnaasthi Sandhaanakaro Rasonaha
Garlic even joins broken Bones.
5. Athi Sarvathra Varjayeth
Anything consumed in Excess, just because it tastes good, is not good for Health. Be moderate.
6. Naasthimoolam Anoushadham
There is No Vegetable that has no medicinal benefit to the body.
7. Na Vaidhyaha Prabhuraayushaha
No Doctor is Lord of our Longevity. Doctors have limitations.
8. Chinthaa Vyaadhi Prakaashaya
Worry aggravates ill health.
9. Vyayaamascha Sanaihi Sanaihi
Do any Exercise slowly. Speedy exercise is not good.
10. Ajavath charvanam Kuryaath
Chew your Food like a Goat. Never Swallow food in a hurry. Saliva aids first in digestion.
11. Snaanam Naama Manahprasaadhanakaram Dhuswapna Vidhwasanam
Bath removes Depression. It drives away Bad Dreams.
12. Na Snaanam Aachareth Bhukthvaa
Never take Bath immediately after taking Food Digestion is afected
13. Naasthi Meghasamam Thoyam
No water matches Rainwater in purity.
14. Ajeerne Bheshajam Vaari
Indigestion can be addressed by taking plain water.
15. Sarvathra Noothanam Sastham Sevakaanne Puraathanam
Always prefer things that are Fresh. Old Rice and Old Servant need to be replaced with new. (Here what it actually means in respect of Servant is: Change his Duties and not terminate.)
16. Nithyam Sarvaa Rasaabhyaasaha
Take complete Food that has all tastes viz: Salt, Sweet, Bitter, Sour, Astringent and Pungent).
17. Jataram Poorayedhardham Annahi
Fill your Stomach half with Solids, a quarter with Water and rest leave it empty.
18. Bhukthvopa Visathasthandraa
Never sit idle after taking Food. Walk for at least half an hour.
19. Kshuth Saadhuthaam Janayathi
Hunger increases the taste of food. In other words, eat only when hungry.
20. Chinthaa Jaraanaam Manushyaanaam
Worrying speeds up ageing.
21. Satham Vihaaya Bhokthavyam
When it is time for food, keep even 100 jobs aside.
22. Sarvaa Dharmeshu Madhyamaam
Choose always the middle path. Avoid going for extremes in anything.
Source : Via twitter handle Prema Laxminarayana
It was good to cover 5 km run after a long time.
Walked for 4 km.
I have always liked fishes. Not to eat but as pets. But never ventured into getting fish as pets.
My father and uncle had fishes at home so I knew how to handle fish and cleaning fish tank.
After a lot of thinking I purchased two pair of fishes Guppy and Zebra fish. I purchased a fish bowl to keep the fishes and these fishes didn’t require air motor. So with bare minimum maintenance the fish can be maintained and the fishes were not costly either.
The fishes were purchased and welcomed to home by mid of January 2021.
Initially fishes were all happy and doing well, but after exactly one month one guppy fish died as it became weak. I was sad and transferred that dead fish to my flower pot. Hope its soul rest in peace.
After that incident I thought fishes should have a new atmosphere and I introduced big rocks inside. Fishes were happy and it used to go inside and come out in small places. I hoped I gave a new environment and everything went smoothly.
Recently around 15 days back I was not able to find one fish among the three fishes. I thought it would be somewhere inside the rocks. I didn’t bother about that. This went on for next 3 days and all of a sudden the missing fish appeared. It looked weak and tired and its color also got changed from orange to white color. I thought the fish is nearing its last days.
I even researched what can be done to that. Few articles suggested to keep it in quarantine in another tank. After giving it a lot of thought I cleaned the tank. Usually fishes always resist while catching using net. But this fish didn’t resist on the contrary it was giving away hope of living.
After cleaning the tank I didn’t place the big rocks . Only small colorful rocks just for the sake of keeping. I reintroduced all the three fishes. The healthy fishes tried to play with weak fish and tried to keep it going. Its been a week post the cleaning of the tank . The weak fish is trying to recover. Even though it is weak . At least it is being kept active by its friends and its not losing hope.
Hope the fish lives on happily with its friends.
What I understood was when the fish was having rocks to hide, it hid itself so it was alone and sad. When it got the option to enjoy and play with its friends it is trying to live.
Always keep moving and never lose hope. Keep in touch with people who matter to you to be happy and healthy.
Spot jogging for the first time. It was a nice experience. Never thought I can do that. It took a lot of time.
Cycled for 21km. It was my longest ride this year. It was fun. But equally tiring.